It's been a few happened! About 3 days ago while my sister was jogging, she was followed home....
Fist thing we do with Tiny's predicament is to email our neighborhood email list and post pictures. The next day, I made it to Kinko's with a "Dog Found" poster which I shared with two different animal shelters and PetsMart. This brings us to another adventure.
Yesterday, I decided to take Tiny to PetsMart because it was the closest place that had a Microchip scanner. No one in the house was available to help me with this task between rehearsals and switching up sleep for night shifts, so I preceeded on my own because I can do this!
Tried to get Tiny into car #1. - the Corolla. It wasn't going to happen. SO, I tried car #2. The Volvo. Nope, no way. borrowed Sarah's car and finally got him in halfway by coaxing him with some ham, and just picked up the back of him and got him in! Finally on our way!
He was SO EXCITED to get out of the car. Did his thing on the grass in front of the store like a good boy, but once we got to the door of PetsMart, he was a little resistant to going in. Finally after some coaxing and love he decided to brave the store, and loved it. Went straight to the nice lady who scanned him, but no microchip! :(
We head back to the car and I have a little treat to coax him back into the car. I open the door, and he's not having *any* of it! In fact, he sets his 75-100 lb self as an opposing force to me and pulls. Yes, I'm a wimp. I do not deny it! I tried getting in the car myself and coaxing him in, but nope, wasn't going to happen. After about 10 minutes of this in 95 degree humidity and a car with leather interior, I start to get out my phone to call for some help, only to realize that in the craziness of the day, I LEFT IT!
There's me and my frizzy hair with the 75...85...whatever lb dog with hair about as frizzy as mine, I'm getting pretty darn icky, and so I decided I better go find some air conditioning and a phone fast. Back into PetsMart we trot, this time with no hangups. The lovely girl that helped direct me to where to get him scanned helped me and between a couple of people letting me use their phones I finally got my message out that I was stranded at PetsMart!!
In my distress though, it was a good reminder of how God takes care of each tiny part of our lives. I was taken under the wing of some amazing people suddenly when I was quite vulnerable. I don't like being vulnerable. I like order. Some of the ladies in the grooming department were getting off, and two different ladies offered me discounts for "grooming my dog" haha. I explained the situation and they all fell in love with him and hoped he found his family...and his groomer.
I also met an amazing woman in a green shirt and wonderful earrings. She loved on "Tiny" and we discussed how he kind of looked more like a Wolfhound mix than anything else and she went on her way. I decided to buy a small can of wet dogfood to try to coax him in the car one more time.
10 more minutes later, after coaxing to no avail, I looked up and the angel woman in the green shirt was right there! She asked if I needed any help and I said "YEEeeeehs" (as in Kusko...from Emperor's New Groove. I told you people I'm a Disney nerd).
I took her advice to get him REALLY excited about getting in the car! So BOY did we get excited about that hot car, and between clapping, excitement, me pulling and her shoving, suddenly, he was in!!!! I shouted at her "THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU YOU ARE AN ANGEL!" she laughed and said she loved what I was doing for him, and asked if I could get in the front seat. I told her I was good to go, and she went on her merry way.
I climb over the seat (pretty much my only option) and after about 5 more minutes of looking for keys, I'm on my way home!!! Finally I get home, and I found out....
My poor husband is on his way to PetsMart!!! - For his schedule that would have been like waking up and rushing off craziness without any coffee.
We all made it back home safe and sound and even put up more posters all around the neighborhood and major traffic areas around.
This has been my adventures with Tiny. And PetsMart. And Green Angels...wait...what?
(YAY! All I had to do was to sign into my Google account and I could post!)
Hey baby...this was so fun to read. I love you!!!!
Awww, what an adorable bayay! I love him! I hope his owners find him :( If not, I hope he finds a wonderful family (whether y'all keep him or not)! :) (I would if we could, but we're already one furry friend over)
<3 <3 <3 <3
Hee hee we love him too! I'll post more pics soon. He is such a loving baby.
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