Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday, Monday...

It is Monday...

For me it is a long week (yes I know, I'm spoiled) because I work 4 days. I tend to get into 'survival' mode during these weeks. Tonight, though, since I had leftovers and my husband cleaned the kitchen, I got to chill...before Evil Tuesday. Evil Tuesday is thus named because I work from 8-6 and my husband works from 4-10. SO, if I don't get lunch, I don't get to see him...

BUT, the new Kroger by University in Fort Worth has strawberries on for 97 cents. That is full of win. Limit 5. But still...that is quite a few strawberries. In honor of strawberries, tomorrow I will post a very special strawberry soup recipe. Because it makes me happy, and if I ever lose it I can just come back here! Yes, I do remember that my previous post pegged me as type 'a'...which means I shouldn't lose things...but it also means that I am a planner, so I'm just planning... O_o

Florence + the Machine is my new favorite female singer/band. I'm kind of picky with my female bands/singers anyway...but it is inspiring. Which makes me ponder. To write or not to write? Still answering that question myself. The Type "A" part of me says "what are you thinking!! Creative?? You??" but this keeps popping up and taking that side of me by surprise and slugging it hard enough to knock it out cold!

We will see...more on that later...

Saw Sorcerer's Apprentice this weekend. I personally loved it.  I have said before I have odd tastes in movies...this is an example. I don't understand the people who go into this movie expecting it to be anything other than what it is. It is a Disney movie. It is done by the same team who did Pirates of the Caribbean and National Treasure. Really though, if you are going in expecting some life changing meaning, you've got the *wrong* movie. If you are going in expecting have the *wrong* movie.

 It is a romp. It is an entertaining romp. I expect movies to be what they are advertised to be. If something looks suspenseful and psychotic, great, if it looks like a crazy puzzler, great.

This is also why Old Yeller fails. FAILS I tell you. Sweet family movie that turns tragic. No thank you.

Hope to go to the Texas Renaissance Festival. We will see. If I ever get my sewing machine from my type B family members...HAHA love you all...I really do...just...give me my sewing machine. 'k...bye...


P.S. Scrubs look like pajamas. Just sayin'.

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