Thursday, December 3, 2009

Revelations from Tea and Food?


I have come to the realization that though I want to like hot tea, it is difficult for me. I consider myself to be a very stable, even person...but when it comes to cooking, food, tea and coffee, I suddenly become super ecclectic and dare I say emotional? Yeah. I do.

I have found my creative niche if you will. I feel as though I can offer something to the world and friends and family by cooking. I realized that my love for this has stemmed from both sides of my family many generations back apparently. No one that I can think of comes to mind who 'doesn't like to cook.'

I like my hot tea with lots of cinnamon, otherwise it shall not be drunk. I do not shy away from garlic and I could never be a restaurant chef because my dishes change now and then because of what mood I am in. My playlists must always be on shuffle, and I make up stories sometimes I make up stories in my head to tie the songs together. This can either be totally hysterical or totally psychotic. Either way, definitely entertaining.

Things have been a little tight for us lately, but this has given me challenges with cooking, and has yielded such excitingness (yes, I did just use that word that way...) as Fried Rice, Goulash, Spagetti (wheat noodles are my indulgance) with homemade meat-sauce, or .... my favorite.... "what can we do with what we have in the pantry?"\

Well, I'm off to attempt a lemon pie.