Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A grey world

So I have decided to begin a blogspot, mostly to somewhat slowly delv into my imagination and make it grow again and stop being intimidated by what I feel are my creative hinderances. I can always find an excuse to put it off, but since it is burning in my brain, it must end up somewhere.

There are so many moments in life I wish I could capture. I find that when you ignore these things and try to supress the joy found in them, the world turns grey. I haev also found the opposite to be true that when the day is grey and rainy, it can be one of the most beautiful things in the world. As a Christian I feel as though I should be able to just put the grey behind me and see the beauty in all things. I can't sometimes. I'm learning though...and each day I find that beauty can be found in the most unlikely places.